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10X liquid concentrate (Tris-Glycine)
1 liter (makes 10L)
1X Contains 0.025M Tris base, 0.192 glycine

Tris-Glycine Electroblotting Buffer (10X) 


  • Manufactured with Ultra-Pure Electrophoresis Grade Reagents
  • 18 Megohm Water & 0.2 Micron Filtration
  • Saves Time and Improves Reproducibility in Western Blotting
Tris-Glycine Electroblotting Buffer (10X) is a concentrated solution in distilled/deionized water. This buffer is intended to act as the tank buffer in Western electroblotting procedures. It is also the recommended buffer for use with nitrocellulose and nylon membranes.
Tris-Glycine Electroblotting Buffer (10X) is already in solution which eliminates the weighing, mixing and adjusting of the pH necessary with powdered buffers. To prepare 1 liter of working strength buffer, add 100 ml of Tris-Glycine Electroblotting Buffer to 200 ml of methanol and 700 ml of distilled/deionized water.
To prepare 1 liter of working strength buffer, add 100 ml of Tris-Glycine Electroblotting Buffer to 200 ml of methanol and 700 ml of distilled/deionized water. Tris-Glycine Electroblotting Buffer (10X) contains 0.25M Tris base and 1.92M glycine.

National Diagnostics - Tris Glycine - Electroblotting Buffer (10X), 1 liter bottle

National Diagnostic
1 Liter (makes 10L)
1X contains 0.025M Tris base, 0.192M glycine
0.20µm filtered.
18 Megohm Water.
Liquid concentrate.
Ideal for Western Blotting (especially for Small Protein SDS-PAGE)
Made by National Diagnostics.
SKU: EC-880-1000