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10-425 Screw Thread Caps with Inserted Septa

10-425 Screw Threaded Caps with Pre-Inserted Septa

10-425 Caps with Pre-inserted Septa
  • Pre-assembled caps and septa are convenient and
    minimize contamination from handling
  • Storage cap has a solid top and pre-inserted PTFE
    disk liner

Ordering Guide

Product No.DescriptionQty PKQty CS
C4010-30APolypropylene, Light Blue, PTFE/Red Rubber Septum, Target 10-425 Screw Thread Cap1001000
C4010-35WPolypropylene, White, PTFE/Soft Silicone, Target 10-425 Screw Thread Cap1001000
C4010-35BLK      Polypropylene, Black, PTFE/Soft Silicone, Target 10-425 Screw Thread Cap1001000
C4010-40APolypropylene, Light Blue, T/S/T Septum, Target 10-425 Screw Thread Cap1001000
C4010-55APolypropylene, Light Blue, PTFE/Silicone, Pre-slit, Target 10-425 Screw Thread Cap1001000
C4010-55B0LKPolypropylene, Black, PTFE/Silicone, Pre-slit, Target 10-425 Screw Thread Cap1001000
C4010-60APolypropylene, Light Blue, PTFE/Silicone, Target 10-425 Screw Thread Cap1001000
C4010-60BLKPolypropylene, Black, PTFE/Silicone, Target 10-425 Screw Thread Cap1001000
C4010-60AWPolypropylene, White, PTFE/Silicone, Target 10-425 Screw Thread Cap1001000
C4010-60ARPolypropylene, Red, PTFE/Silicone, Target 10-425 Screw Thread Capn/a1000
C4010-60AYPolypropylene, Yellow, PTFE/Silicone, Target 10-425 Screw Thread Capn/a1000
C4010-65ATarget 10-425 Screw Thread Cap, Polypropylene, Light Blue, PTFE/Silicone, Star-slit1001000
C4010-5APolypropylene, Natural, Integral Molded PP Membrane, Target 10-425 Screw Thread SepCap1001000
C4010-68APolypropylene, Black, Bonded PTFE/Silicone Septum, Target 10-425 Screw Thread Cap100n/a
C4010-99Solid Top, Polyurethane, White, PTFE/Urethane Foam Liner, Target 10-425 Screw Thread Cap1001000
C4010-69APolypropylene, Black, Bonded PTFE/Silicone Septum, Pre-slit, Target 10-425 Screw Thread Cap100n/a
C4010-78APolypropylene, Black, Bonded PTFE Septum, Target 10-425 Screw Thread Cap1001000