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All in one place... All in REAL TIME

  • Blue LED technology: Safer than UV!
  • View Bands in real-time (easily track progress during a run)
  • Compatible with safe stains (SYBR® Green and SmartGlow™)
  • Compact, all in one system
  • Economical consumables (no need for pre-cast gels) 
  • Imaging enclosure (for smart phone) included

Acuris Instruments, from Life Science Products, has taken innovation to the next level with their new InstaView™ electrophoresis systems.  These systems make the whole process of running DNA gels, viewing DNA bands and documenting results easy.  All without removing the gel!  And at a price that will turn heads.

Accuris InstaView Systems include a Gel Running Tank, Mini Blue LED Transilluminator, Gel Casting Set, Enclosure for Smart Phone imaging, and a Power Supply* (E1201 includes the power supply, E1200 is universally compatible with all standard power supplies)

Labs can save thousands of dollars with an InstaView system when compared to purchasing all of these components separately.

Benchmark Accuris, myGel™ InstaView Complete Electrophoresis System with Blue LED Illuminator, Power Supply, and Imaging Enclosure

Benchmark Accuris, myGel™ InstaView Complete Electrophoresis System with Blue LED Illuminator, Power Supply, and Imaging Enclosure
SKU: E1201
Old price: $1,016.70