Erlenmeyer Flasks with ScrewCap (aka Shaker Flasks)
and Fernbach Flasks with ScrewCap
-Designed for suspension culture applications
-Constructed from optically clear, autoclavable polycarbonate (for reuse, if necessary)
-Over-sized filter vent area in screwcap for improved gas exchange
-Erlenmeyer and Fernbach Flasks are indiidually bagged and supplied sterile (gamma irradiated)
Features larger 70mm diameter opening for easier filling and dispensing
(Note, competitive units normally have a 45mm opening)
NOTE: Separate "Sterile" ScrewCaps are available
Cat. #CT-229894 SOLID Sterile ScrewCaps (for anerobic)
Cat. #CT-229895 FILTER VENT Sterile ScrewCaps (for aerobic)