The Cool Safe System includes the
Cool Safe Box, one solid aluminum
Cool Block, and two
Cool Bricks. Depending on which option is ordered (Option A, B, C, D, or E), the Cool Safe systems are ideal for benchtop cooling and storing of 0.2ml PCR tubes/PCR strips/96-well PCR plates, 384-well PCR plates, microcentrifuge tubes (0.5ml/0.65ml, 1.5ml, 1.7ml, 2.0ml sizes), cryogenic vials 1.0ml (1.2ml) or 1.8ml (2.0ml) sizes, and 5ml (12x75mm) test tubes/culture tubes.
The Cool Safe Box (or container) is made of triple density expanded polystyrene and is molded under extreme pressure to create a durable container that guarantees temperature stability. When ordering, specify which aluminum Cool Block you need (listed below). The two specially formulated Cool Bricks (one 1°C and one -10°C) are specially formulated to maintain a constant temperature, for up for 10 hours.
Cool Safe's aluminum Cool Blocks feature "surround-a-tube" engineering. Super temperature conducting solid aluminum surround the vast majority of the vessel, keeping the entire sample cool.
Choose one:
Cat. #SAB-3100 Cat. #SAB-3200