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Filtration Products

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CellTreat Syringe Filters, Disposable - Sterile & Non-Sterile

CellTreat Filters, Syringe Filters
CellTreat Disposable Syringe Filters
• Sterile and Non-Sterile
• 13mm and 30mm diameter
• 0.10µm, 0.22µm, 0.45µm pore, & glass fiber 1.1µm

Available in 8 membranes
SFCA (Surfactant Free Cellulose Acetate), CA (Cellulose Acetate), PES (Polyethersulfone),
PVDF (Polyvinylidene Fluoride), Nylon membrane, PTFE (Polytetrafluoroethylene),
MCE (Mixed Cellulose Acetate), and Glass Fiber
From $59.60

CellTreat Permeable Cell Culture Inserts for 6-well, 12-well, and 24-well Plates

Permeable Plate Cell Culture Inserts, Celltreat
Permeable Cell Culture Inserts easily mimic In Vivo conditions with two membrane materials and four porosities .

Inserts center in wells, which allows pipette access to the lower chamber and prevents wicking between insert and side wall. Inserts hang above tissue culture-treated wells, allowing co-culture; grow cells on both the insert membrane and the well bottom (non-treated plates sold separately)

• PC (Polycarbonate) membrane is best for cell attachment
• PET (Polyester) membrane best for imaging and microscopy
• 0.1µm and 0.4µm PET inserts feature clear membranes for improved cell viewing
• 0. 1µm and 0.4µm pore sizes are ideal for cell-cell interaction and drug transport studies
• 3.0µm and 8.0µm pore sizes are ideal for angiogenesis, migration, and chemotaxis

For more help with membrane selection, please contact Life Science Products.
Note, carrier plates are Tissue Culture Treated, encouraging cell adhesion.
If required for suspension, Non-Treated Plates are available and sold separately, inquire.

PC (Polycarbonate); PET (Polyester). Compare with Corning® Transwell® inserts.
From $66.30

CELLTREAT - Bottle Top Filter Units (Sterile and Non-Sterile)

CellTreat Filters, Bottle Top Filters
CELLTREAT - Bottle Top Filter Units
• 4 different capacity units • 0.45µm and 0.22µm pore sizes
• Use with Media/Solution bottles with 45mm diameter neck
STERILE units with polystyrene funnels,
choose PES membrane (fast flow), or Nylon membrane.
NON-STERILE units with polypropylene funnels,
choose Nylon membrane or PTFE membrane.
All RNase, DNase, DNA, Pyrogen Free.

Larger Membrane Diameters for Greater Filtration Surface Area
From $162.60

CELLTREAT - Filter Systems with Receiver Vessel

CellTreat Filter Systems
Filter Systems with Receiver Vessel
• 5 sizes • 3 pore sizes
• Sterile Individually Wrapped
From $108.00

CELLTREAT® - Centrifugal MWCO (aka NMWL) Ultra Filter Membrane Units, 8 units/pack

CELLTREAT Centrifugal MWCO Filter Units
CELLTREAT® - Centrifugal MWCO (aka NMWL) Ultra Filter Membrane Units
Choose MWCO
: 5kDa, 10kDa, 30kDa, 50kDa, or 100kDa. Choose: 4ml or 15ml Capacity Unit.
Units include an Insert (or Basket) with a MWCO (Molecular Weight Cutoff)
PES (Polyethersulfone) Filter Membrane and a Receiver Tube (15ml or 50ml Conical Tube).
NOTE: MWCO is also referred to as NMWL (Nominal Molecular Weight Limit)
Ultra high recoveries. Designed to concentrate, separate, purify, desalt, and recover biological samples. Used for protein and nucleic acid concentration, dialysis, and buffer exchange.

Packaged Non-Sterile, RNase, DNase, and Pyrogen Free. Packaged 8 units/pack

Compare with MilliporeSigma® Amicon® Ultra-4® & Ultra-15® Centrifugal Filter Units
From $54.90

CellTreat - Sterile Cell Filter Strainers

CELLTREAT Cell Strainers
Sterile, Cell Filter Strainers with Nylon Mesh - Three Pore Sizes available
See our Celltreat PROMOS section for Special Offers.
Use with 50ml Centrifuge Tubes - Units feature polypropylene Tabs for Handling
Gamma radiation sterilized - Individually Wrapped or in BulkPack
CHOOSE: - Individually Wrapped or Multi-Pack; Sterile, 50 units/pack
From $59.30