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Horizontal Electrophoresis Mini-Gel System
RapidCast Complete System for 12x14 cm mini-gels

Designed for 12x14cm gels, this mini-gel unit is the perfect personal unit for a wide range of separation needs. It features a RapidCast gasketed tray, in the buffer chamber, for quick in-unit gel casting. This unit includes a heavy duty buffer chamber, an interlock safety lid with atached leads, a gasketed (cast in place) 12cm wide x 14cm long UV-transparent gel tray with a built-in fluorescent ruler and 2 comb slots, one 1.5mm x 12 tooth comb, and one 1.5mm x 20 tooth comb. Note, many other sizes of combs are available and can be substituted when ordering. Also, all combs are compatible with the OWL separation units B2A or similar units. Microtiter combs for multi-channels are available.


80-1214RapidCast complete system for 12x14cm gels includes gasketed tray and 12 & 20 tooth combs
80-1214-BEPRapidCast Minigel System with Buffer Exchange Ports, 12 x 14 cm
80-1214-RRapidCast Gel Systemfor 12x14cm gels, w/ integral buffer circulation & gasketed UVT gel tray
80-1214-RCGT2RapidCast Gel Tray for 12x14cm gels, 2 comb slots
80-1214-RCGT4RapidCast Gel Tray for 12x14cm gels, 4 comb slots
80-1214-RCGT12RapidCast Gel Tray for 12x14cm gels, 12 comb slots
80-1214-GSKReplacement Gasket, set of 2
80-1214-RCGCRapidCast Gel Caster, holds 3 gasketed 12x14cm trays
80-1214-RCPKRapidCast Gel Caster Pack, includes 3 x 80-1214-RCGT2
80-MADJ-CSTMini Adjustable Horizontal Gel Caster
80-WADJ-CSTWide Adjustable Horizontal Gel Caster
80-1214-MT25-SLGSample Loading Guide for use with 25 well comb
80-1214-C8-1.0Comb1mm8 t 
80-1214-C16-1.0Comb1mm16 t 
80-1214-C20-1.0Comb1mm20 t 
80-1214-C24-1.0Comb1mm24 t 
80-1214-CMT9-1.0Comb1mm9 t 
80-1214-CMT12-1.0Comb1mm12 t 
80-1214-CMT25-1.0Comb1mm25 t 
80-1214-C16-1.5Comb1.5mm16 t 
80-1214-C20-1.5Comb1.5mm20 t 
80-1214-C24-1.5Comb1.5mm24 t 
80-1214-C8-1.5Comb1.5mm8 t 
80-1214-CMT9-1.5Comb1.5mm9 t 
80-1214-CMT12-1.5Comb1.5mm12 t 
80-1214-CMT25-1.5Comb1.5mm25 t 
80-1214-CPREPComb1.5mm2 t 

Galileo 1214 RapidCast Mini-Gel Unit

Horizontal Electrophoresis Mini-Gel System
RapidCast Complete System for 12x14 cm mini-gels.Compare with OWL® B2.
SKU: 80-1214
Old price: $816.40
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Specify Color - Tough-Tags, 1.28" x 0.50" (33mm x 13mm), 1000/roll

Tough-Tags (Labels) for 1.5ml/2.0ml microtubes
Rectangular, 1-9/16" (1.28") x 1/2 (0.50")
33mm x 13mm
Specify Color when ordering, 1000/roll
Mfgr. #TTL(x)-1000
$40.75 $34.65

Galileo 0708 RapidCast Mini-Gel Unit

Horizontal Electrophoresis Mini-Gel System
RapidCast Complete System for 7x8 cm mini-gels.Compare with OWL® B1A.
$661.35 $569.25

Specify Color - Tough-Tags, 0.94" x 0.50" (24mm x 13mm), 1000/roll

Tough-Tags™ (Labels)
for 500µl/0.65ml microtubes
Made from polyester, -40°C to 100°C
Rectangular, 15/16" (0.94") x 1/2 (0.50")
Specify Color, 1000/roll
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