Gel Crusher™ Spin Columns - A pre-step device to increase DNA yield
After cutting your DNA gel, place it into the Gel Crusher and its respective 2.0mL microtube receiver vessel. To prepare your DNA gel fragments, the Gel Crusher features ten 600um holes at it's bottom to allow the gel to be centrifugally pushed (or Crushed) through the column into smaller uniform gel fragments, without chunks. Note, Gel Crushers are designed to be used to uniformly prepare your DNA, - PRIOR - to implementing the protocol of your DNA Gel Extraction Kit and its components. This easy to use Gel Crusher is design to uniformly prepare your gels into smaller fragments to enhance overall DNA yield when doing routine downstream applications including molecular cloning, PCR, restriction digestions, sequencing and labeling.
Copyright © 2025 Life Science Products, Inc.
Gel Crusher Spin Columns are designed to replace labor-intensive gel fragmentation steps (crush+soak method, etc.).
Commonly used in molecular cloning, PCR, restriction digestions, sequencing, and labeling protocols, these spin columns can be used to fragment gel slices (typically cut with a gel extractor or razor blade) into smaller pieces.
These smaller uniform pieces will produce greater yields and can be easily pipetted using wide bore tips into an NaCl solution. This reduces the time to create a fine slurry for further elution, filtration, incubation, etc. Place the Gel Crusher™ column in the 2mL microtube and centrifuge the column/tube assembly in a standard benchtop microcentrifuge for 5 minutes at maximum speed (generally approximately 15,000×g).
The gel will be forced through the 600µm holes into the 2mL receiver tube. The crushed fragments will be small enough to be aspirated/dispensed through a pipette tip.