GelNest Matrix is, a basement membrane, is identical to Corning® Matrigel® Matrix in it's composition and performance. GelNest™ Matrix, extracted from Engelbreth-Holm-Swarm (EHS) mouse sarcomas, contain genetically identical mouse lines and SOP's. EHS tumors contain ECM (extracellular matrix) proteins — laminin (60% ), collagen IV (30%), heparan sulfate proteoglycans, nidogen (8%), plus growth factors.

GelNest™ Matrix Quality Assurance
Protein Concentration: The protein concentration is guaranteed to be between 8~20mg/mL.
Stable Performance: The gel formation performance remains stable.
High Safety Performance: There are no LDEV (Lactate Dehydrogenase Elevated Virus), bacteria, or mycoplasma present.
Endotoxin Level: The endotoxin level is <10EU/mL.
Cell Culture: Tests for organ-like structures and stem cell culture have been successfully performed.
Experimental Testing: Tests for angiogenesis, tumor invasion, and tumor formation have been successfully conducted.