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GenSwab™ Buccal and Saliva DNA Specimen Collection Card System

GenSwab™ DNA Collection System
From Gentueri/Ahlstom-Munksjo, the GenSwab specimen card system with foam swab is designed for easy DNA Specimen Collection System for the collection, recovery, and long-term preservation (over 20 years) of high quality DNA sample. A Dry Preservation (and nonhazardous) method is used for oral biological sample collection, including saliva and buccal cells.

GenSwab™ performance features:
• Fast collection and mailing process, making for an easy collection processing experience
• GenSwabs eliminate the high cost of biobanking at subzero temperatures
• Biobank at ambient temperature, for over 20 years without DNA degradation
• No need for freezer storage • No special handling (FREE of biohazard liquid preservatives)
• Features fast collection: Foam swab collection of an oral sample takes about one minute
• Simple design allows for sample collection anywhere, at home or at the clinic
• Improved sample traceability with multiple barcodes
• High quality and quantity of DNA for NGS, PCR, Microarray, STR, and other applications
• Features a flat design with dry preservation for easy user mailing, without liquid biohazards

Note: GenDry Mailing Transport Pouches for GenSwab sample collections are sold separately

Compare GenSwabs with Qiagen® EasiCollect™ +, and Bode® Buccal DNA.

GenSwab™ - Specimen Card System for the collection and long-term preservation of oral/buccal biological samples.

• Easy collection and effective transfer of sample from swab onto specimen card • Long-term preservation of DNA on GenSaver™ 2.0 Color paper at ambient temperature
• Complete protection of the sample during the transport• Automated design compatible with automated DBS equipment
GenSwab specifically designed for easy collection and long-term preservation of buccal samples to achieve high recovery of DNA and high quality genetic profiles.

GenSwab results from the collaboration between Ahlstrom-Munksjö and Gentueri, two companies with several decades of experience in the design of  products and custom kits.

GenSwab allows easy collection and long-term preservation of buccal samples at ambient temperature, safeguarding their quality over time for downstream processing and improving sample traceability with multiple barcodes.

The device is manufactured in compliance with the ISO 18385:2016 standard.
The GenSwab design
This Gentueri device has a foam swab that is rubbed on the inside of your cheek to collect saliva and buccal cells. The wrapper on the GenSaver 2.0 Color Card is unwrapped, the swab is folded over the card and the wrapper is replaced over the card so the user can squeeze the sample and transfer it to the GenSaver 2.0 Color Card for long-term preservation. The card is shipped to the laboratory in the GenPouch and after punching the card can be stored in the GenKeep at room temperature for over twenty-five years. The GenSwab can be customized to meet your requirements. ©Gentueri.

1. Take GenSwab from sterile pouch
2. Place thumb as indicated on the hard card and swab the inside of your cheeks for 20 seconds on each side
3. Unwrap the card and flip the swab over the preservation paper
4. Fold wrapper back over the card and squeeze the foam onto the card to transfer the sample
5. Unwrap the swab so it can be removed at the perforation, wrap the card and place it in the GenPouch™ or other appropriate envelop



Picture of GenSwab™  3"x2" Specimen Collection Card System, 100/box
GenSwab™ 3"x2" Specimen Collection Card System, 100/box
GenSwab™ 3"x2" Specimen Collection Card System, 100/box
SKU: G-7300-100
Picture of GenSwab™  3"x2" Specimen Collection Card System, 1000/case
GenSwab™ 3"x2" Specimen Collection Card System, 1000/case
GenSwab™ 3"x2" Specimen Collection Card System, 1000/case
SKU: G-7300-100-CS1000
Picture of GenSwab™  2"x2" Specimen Collection Card System, 100/box
GenSwab™ 2"x2" Specimen Collection Card System, 100/box
GenSwab™ 2"x2" Specimen Collection Card System, 100/box
SKU: G-7400-100
Picture of GenSwab™  2"x2" Specimen Collection Card System, 1000/case
GenSwab™ 2"x2" Specimen Collection Card System, 1000/case
GenSwab™ 2"x2" Specimen Collection Card System, 1000/case
SKU: G-7400-CS1000
Picture of GenDry Pouch for transport/mailing of GenSwab sample collection, 250 pouches/pack
GenDry Pouch for transport/mailing of GenSwab sample collection, 250 pouches/pack
GenDry Zip-Closure Pouch for transport or mailing of GenSwab sample collection
Each pouch includes 1 gram desiccant preservative packet, 250 pouches/pack

NOTE: Cushioned envelopes for return mailing are not provided.
SKU: G-7501-100