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Hermle Z327-BND Tissue Culture BUNDLE - Includes Z327 Universal Ambient Centrifugè for 15ml & 50ml Conical Tubes with Swing out Rotor and Buckets

Hermle Z327-BND Tissue Culture BUNDLE - Includes Z327 Universal Ambient Centrifuge for 15ml & 50ml Conical Tubes with 4x200ml Swing out rotor (Z327-200-AC), 2(2x200ml) Round Bucket for rotor (Z327-200-BUK), 2(2x50ml) Conical Bucket for rotor (Z327-200-B50), and 2(4x15ml) Conical Insert for rotor (Z327-200-A15B). Note, not lid compatible.

Need a different Rotor? Please contact us for Bundle information and pricing.
Old price: $8,944.00