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Labmax™ Chemical Compatibility Chart


ReagentWeekly CleaningFully CompatibleReagentWeekly CleaningFully Compatible
Acetylaldehyde+ 1-Butanol (Butyl Alcohol)+ 
Acetaic acid 100%+ n-Butyl Acetate+ 
Acetic acid 50%+ Butyl Methyl Ether+ 
Acetone+ Butylamine+ 
Acetonitrile+ Butyric Acid+ 
Acetophenone+ Calcium Carbonate +
Acetylacetone+ Calcium Chloride +
Acetonitrite+ Calcium Hydroxide, conc +
Acetylchloride+ Calcium Hyprochloride +
Acylic Acid+ Carbon Disulfide+ 
Acrylonitrile+ Carbon Tetrachloride+ 
Adipic Acid +Chloro Naphalene+ 
Allyl Alcohol+ Chlorobenzene+ 
Aluminium Chloride +Chloroacetylaldehyde 45%+ 
Amino Acids +Chloroacetic Acid+ 
Ammonium Chloride +Chloroacetone+ 
Ammonium Floride +Chlorobutane+ 
Ammonium Hydroxide 30%+ Chloroform+ 
Ammonium Sulfate +Chlorosulfonic acid+ 
n-Amyl Acetate+ Chromic Acid 10%+ 
Amyl Alcohol+ Chromic Acid 50%+ 
Amyl Chloride+ Chromosulfuric Acid concNot compatible 
Aniline+ Copper Sulfate +
Aqua Regia+ Cresol+ 
Barium Chloride +Cyclohexane+ 
Benzaldehyde+ Cyclohexanone+ 
Benzene (Benzol)+ Debenzyl ether+ 
Benzine (gasoline)+ Decane+ 
Benzoyl chloride+ 1-Decanol+ 
Benzyl alcohol+ Dibromomethane+ 
Benzyl chloride+ Dichlorbenzene+ 
Benzylamine+ Dichlormethane+ 
Boric Acid 10%+ Dichloracetic acid+ 
Bromobenzene+ Dichlorethane+ 
Bromonaphthalene+ Dichloethylene+ 
Butanediol+ Diesel oil+ 
ReagentWeekly CleaningFully CompatibleReagentWeekly CleaningFully Compatible
Diethanolamine+ Isoamyl alcohol+ 
Diethyl ether+ Isobutyl alcohol+ 
Diethylamine+ Isopropyl alcohol+ 
1-2-Diethylbenzene+ Isopropyl benzene (Cumene)+ 
Diethylene glycol+ Isopropyl ether+ 
Dimethyl sufoxide (DMSO)+ Lactic acidNot Compatible 
DimethylanilineNot Compatible Methoxybenzene+ 
Dimethylformamide (DMF)+ Methyl alcohol+ 
1,4 Dioxane+ Methyl butyl ether+ 
Diphenyl ether+ Methyl formate+ 
Ethanolamine+ Methyl propyl ketone+ 
Ethyl Acetate (Acetic acide ethyl ester)+ Methylene chlorid (dichloro methan)+ 
Ethyl alcohol+ Mineral oil (Engine oil)+ 
Ethyl methyl ketone+ Monochloracetic acid+ 
Ethylbenzene+ Nitric acid 30%+ 
Ethylene chloride+ Nitric acid 50-70%+ 
Ethylene glycol+ Nitrobenzene+ 
Fluoracetic acid+ Oleic acid+ 
Formaldehyde 40% +Oxalic acidNot Compatible 
Formaide+ n-Pentane+ 
Formic acid, 98-100%+ Perchlorid acid+ 
Gluceral+ Perchlorethylene+ 
Glycolic acid 50% +Petroleum+ 
Heating oil (diesel oil)+ Petroleum ether+ 
Hexane+ PhenolNot Compatible 
Hexanoic acid+ Phenylethanol+ 
Hexanol+ Phenylhydrazine+ 
hydrionic acid+ Phosphoric acid 85%+ 
Hydromromic acid+ Phosphoric acid 85% &  
Hydrochloric acid 10%+ Sulfuric acid 98% 1:1+ 
Hydrochloric acid 20%+ Piperidine+ 
Hyrochloric acid 25-37%+ Potassium chloride +
Hydrogene peroxide 35%+ Potassium dichromate solution +
Iodine/potassiumNot Compatible Potassium hydroxide +
Iodine solution +Potasium permanganate +
Iso Octane+ Propionic acid+ 
ReagentWeekly CleaningFully Compatible   
Propylene glycol+    
Pyruvic Acid+    
Silver acetate +   
Silver nitrate +   
Sodium acetate +   
Sodium chloride +   
Sodium dichromate +   
Sodium floride +   
Sodium hydroxide 30% +   
Sulfuric acid 98%+    
Tartaric acidNot Compatible    
Tetrohydrofuran (THF)+    
Tetramethylammonium HydroxideNot Compatible    
Trichloracetic acid+    
Triethylene glycol+    
Trifluoro ethan+    
Trifluoroacetic acid (TFA)+    
Tripropylene glycol+    
Turpentine+ Added Info. on AQUEOUS  
Urea +   
Xylene+ The above recommendations reflect testing completed
Zinc chloride 10% +prior to publication of this information (Jan./2000).
In addition to listed chemicals, a variety of organic
Zinc sulphate 10% +and inorganic saline solutions (e.g., biological buffer)
   biological detergents and media for cell culture can
Hydrofluric Acid:  be dispensed. Should you require information on
only the Dispenser Labmax "HF" is specify designed to dispense HFSee our HF Dispensers chemicals not listed, please feel free to contact us.
(Chart created by Labnet., Technical # 1-888-522-6381)