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    For All Omega Biotek Purification Products

    Mag-Bind® Viral RNA Xpress Isolation Kit, 24x96 preps/kit (2304)

    Isolation of viral RNA from nasopharyngeal swabs, dry or in VTM.
    Improved RT-qPCR performance. Efficient recovery of viral nucleic acids with 
      minimal inhibitor carryover for demanding applications, such as RT-qPCR.
    Faster - No Proteinase K required in digestion step
    Bead-Based - High Throughput Scalable purification.
    Automatable - Adaptable to all popular Liquid Handling Platforms.

Application Note

Customer Success Stories

Omega Bio-Tek and Life Science Products
are assisting scientists, researchers and healthcare workers around the globe in accelerating the screening snd detection of the novel Coronavirus Disease, COVID-19. We are supporting several 'Laboratory Developed Tests' (LDT's) by providing high-throughput, automated viral nucleic acid extraction methodologies. To meet the exceptional and immediate need for supplies, Omega Bio-Tek has created a more robust kit, Mag-Bind® Viral RNA Xpress Kit (#M6219-2304), and has the capacity to support 6 million patient tests per month. Omega Bio-Tek and LSP are working alongside scientists in providing extraction technologies to expert technical and automation support in quickly establishing pathogen detection workflows to curtail the escalating spread of COVID-19.


High Throughput, for Fully Automated platforms (see below) 
• FAST and HIGH quality extraction of SARS-CoV-2 RNA, with mag-beads. 
• SAVE - Compare our Cost Savings per Prep. 
• Available for approved research laboratories only

Mag-Bind® Viral RNA Xpress Kit (24x96 preps) 2304 preps/kit

  • FAST Isolation of viral RNA from Nasopharyngeal swab specimens in VTM (viral transport media) or dry
  • High Throughput, Fully automatable and ready-to-load scripts for:
    – KingFisher™, BioSprint®, and MagMAX® 96:  96 samples
    – Hamilton Microlab STAR:  384 samples in ~3 hr
    – Hamilton MagEx STARlet:  96 samples in ~1 hr 45 min.
    – Tecan DreamPrep NAP
  • Adaptable to other liquid handling platforms (Inquire for information, scripts, and protocol)
  • Dedicated technical and application support to expedite setup and validation time
  • Magnetic bead-based purification - Faster with better Isolation
  • Savings - Low cost per prep 


Detection of Synthetic SARS-CoV-2 virus control following RT-qPCR

Figure 1. 1×105 copies of synthetic SARSCoV-2 was spiked into a 200 μL sample containing 2000 HEK293 cells. Viral nucleic acids were extracted following the recommended protocol from Mag-Bind® Viral RNA Xpress Kit (M6219). 4 and 8 μL of template was used in a 20 μL SYBR Greenlabeled RT-qPCR reaction. The average Ct values obtained are shown on the left. The Ct difference between the two template 30.89 amounts is ~1 indicating no qPCR inhibition.


Figure 1. Influenza A and synthetic SARS-CoV-2 RNA Controls were spiked into a 200 µL sample containing half million HEK293 cells. Viral nucleic acids were extracted following Mag-Bind Viral RNA Xpress Kit’s recommended protocol. 4 and 8 µL of template was used in a 20 µL SYBR Green-labeled RT-qPCR reaction. The average Ct values obtained are shown above. The Ct difference between the two template amounts used is ~1 indicating no qPCR inhibition.

Omega Biotek Mag-Bind Viral RNA Xpress Kit, 24 x 96 preps (2304)

COVID-19 Testing Kit
Large kit size – 2304 preps (24 × 96)​​ -Scalable
High-quality viral RNA from nasopharyngeal swab specimens (dry or in VTM) using magnetic beads.
No Proteinase K step -Results in a faster processing time

Customers that use the modified version of the Omega Bio-tek Mag-Bind® Viral DNA/RNA 96 Kit (M6246) and want to switch to the Mag-Bind® Viral RNA Xpress Kit can with no protocol changes required.
Production capacity to produce 6,000,000 tests per month
SKU: M6219-2304
Old price: $3,937.75