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Omega Biotek Mag-BIND® Bacterial DNA 96 Kit allows rapid and reliable isolation of high-quality genomic DNA (gDNA) from a wide variety of bacterial species. Up to 0.5 mL gram positive or gram negative bacterial culture can be processed each time. The key to the system is Omega Bio-tek’s proprietary Mag-BIND® particles that avidly, but reversibly, binds DNA or RNA under certain optimal conditions allowing proteins and other contaminants to be removed. After bacterial cells are collected from culture or picked from an agar plate, the bacterial cell wall is removed by lysozyme digestion, followed by Proteinase K digestion. Following lysis, binding conditions are adjusted and the sample is mixed with Mag-BIND particles to bind DNA. Three rapid wash steps remove trace salts and protein contaminants, and finally DNA is eluted in water or low ionic strength buffer. Purified DNA can be directly used in downstream applications without the need for further purification.

  • Reliable – Reproducible DNA purification from variety of sample sources
  • High yield – Glass beads and enzymatic digestion for cell lysis

Genomic DNA purified using the Mag-BIND® Bacterial DNA Kit. Purified genomic DNA from various bacteria was isolated with the Mag-BIND® Bacterial DNA Kit. DNA was extracted in duplicate from 1×106 cells harvested during the log-phase for each of the following samples: sample 1 from S. aureus, sample 2 from E. faecalis, sample 3 from P. aeruginosa. Genomic DNA (5% of total purified DNA) was analyzed on a 1% agarose gel to demonstrate yield and quality of the DNA. M: Lambda Hind III DNA Marker.

Omega Biotek Mag-Bind Bacterial DNA 96 Kit, 4 x 96 preps (384)

Yeast and Bacteria - gDNA
Mag-Bind Bacteria DNA 96 Kit, 4x96(384)
(Description below. Register for discount.)
SKU: M2350-01
Old price: $1,067.25