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Mag-Bind® Environmental DNA 96 Kit | Soil & Water DNA Extraction Kit

The Mag-Bind® Environmental DNA 96 Kit allows rapid and reliable isolation of high-quality DNA from soil and water samples. The Mag-Bind® Environmental DNA 96 Kit can isolate microbial DNA from yeast, fungi, and gram-positive or negative bacteria. Up to 96 one hundred mg soil samples can be processed in 120 minutes using automated liquid handlers or magnetic processors. Omega Bio-tek’s unique cHTR Reagent effectively removes humic acid and other PCR inhibitors allowing for purified DNA to be suitable for PCR, 16S sequencing, Whole Genome Sequencing, and Next-Generation Sequencing. There are no organic extractions thus reducing plastic waste and hands-on time to allow multiple samples to be processed in parallel.

  • Ceramic Beads pre-aliquoted in a convenient 96-well format
  • Unique inhibitor removal Reagent
  • Automation Friendly
Protocols are available for the following automated platforms:
•  Hamilton Microlab® STAR
•  Hamilton Microlab® NIMBUS
•  KingFisher™, BioSprint®, and MagMAX®96


For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.

Downstream ApplicationqPCR, PCR, Next Generation Sequencing
Starting materialUp to 250 mg soil or 1 water filter
Target Nucleic AcidGram Negative and positive bacteria, yeast, fungal
Processing modeAutomated or Manual
Throughput96 samples
Processing time120 minutes
DNA binding technologyMagnetic Beads
YieldDependent on sample biomass


Omega Biotek Mag-Bind Environmental DNA 96 Kit, 1 x 96 Preps (96)

Soil, Water, & Stool Kits
Omega Biotek Mag-Bind Enironmental DNA 96 Kit, 1x96 preps (96)
Description below. Register for discount.)
SKU: M5645-00
Old price: $455.85