For purification of microRNA (miRNA) and Total RNA from wide range of samples incuding animal tissue, Cultured cells, plant, bacteria (for <200 nucleotides).
The E.Z.N.A.® Micro RNA Kit (miRNA) combines the reversible binding properties of HiBind® matrix, a superior silica-based material, with the highly efficient lysis ability of RNA-Solv® to extract micro and large (>200 nt) RNA from a wide variety of starting materials.
Click Here for RNA-Solv #R6830 series.
Micro and large RNA are separated to allow for quantification into downstream applications.
The system uses RNA-Solv® to efficiently lyse cells and protect RNA from degradation. Following a chloroform separation step, RNA is application to a HiBind® RNA column where large RNA binds. The flow through is retained and applied to a HiBind® Micro RNA column to bind small RNA.
miRNA purified using the E.Z.N.A.® miRNA Isolation Kit. Purified large RNAs and miRNA from tissue samples was isolated with the E.Z.N.A.® miRNA Isolation Kit. RNA was extracted from samples as follows: sample 1 from fish liver, sample 2 from frog liver. Large RNA (5% of total purified RNA) was analyzed on a 1% agarose gel. miRNA (5% of total purified RNA) was analyzed on a 3% agarose gel to demonstrate yield and quality of the RNA.
HazMat fee applies.
Compare with Qiagen® miRNeasy Mini Kit, #217004.