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CK14 - 7mL      Homogenizing Soft Tissue
Includes preps of 1.4mm ceramic (zirconium oxide) beads in 7mL standard tubes. CK14 is designed for soft tissue homogenization, like brain, liver, kidney, skin, plant leaves, mammalian cells and more. Sample size range for 7mL tubes: from 200mg to 2g tissue or 200uL to 6mL culture.

Precellys Lysing Kit - CK14 - 7mL, Homogenizing Soft Tissue, 50 tubes/Kit

Precellys Lysing Kit CK14 - 7mL, Homogenizing Soft Tissue, 50 Prefilled 7ml tubes per Kit
Includes preps of 1.4mm ceramic (zirconium oxide) beads in 7mL standard tubes. CK14 is designed for soft tissue homogenization, like brain, liver, kidney, skin, plant leaves, mammalian cells and more. Sample size range for 7mL tubes: from 200mg to 2g tissue or 200uL to 6mL culture.
SKU: P000940-LYSK0-A.0