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Purify Plant DNA from difficult plant tissues !
These Secial (SPC) Fungal DNA Isolation EZ-SpinKits allows for rapid and reliable isolation of high quality total cellular DNA from plant species that contain high levels of phenolic compounds, enzyme inhibitors, and polysaccharides.
SPC Mini EZ-SpinKit: Up to 100mg of wet plant sample (or 30mg of dry sample) can be processed in less than 30 minutes.
SPC Midi EZ-SpinKit: Up to 500mg of wet plant sample (or 125mg of dry sample) can be processed in less than 40 minutes.
SPC Maxi EZ-SpinKit: Up to 2 gram of wet plant sample (or 200mg of dry sample) can be processed in less than 40 minutes.
This Special Kit combines the reversible nucleic acid binding properties of the HighBind matrix with the speed and versatility of spin column technology to eliminate polysaccharides, phenolic compounds, and enzyme inhibitors from plant tissue lysates. Purified DNA is suitable for PCR, restriction digestion, and hybridization techniques.
Omega EZ-SpinKits and 96-well formatted EZ-96 plate Kits are designed for the rapid and efficient purification of genomic DNA, viral DNA, and total cellular DNA (including viral DNA) from bacteria, yeast, animal or plant cells, and tissues. Resulting purified DNA is free of contamination that commonly inhibits downstream applications, such as amplification and Southern analyses. Principally, the HighBind (silica-based) resin matrix in our Omega EZ SpinKits (spin-columns) and EZ-96 plate Kits (96-well plates) and the specialized reagent technology selectively binds and effectively lyses the sample of interest. RNA is enzymatically degraded to prevent its co-purification with DNA. Fast, easy and reliable, the lysate is passed through the HighBind spin column or plate. The DNA is specifically and reversibly adsorbed. Rapid and efficient washes remove contaminating salts and proteins. The pure DNA is then eluted into low ionic strength buffer or deionized water. Most of these isolations can be performed in less than an hour. Note, hazardous and time consuming phenol/chloroform extractions are not necessary with our Omega protocols.
Storage and Stability - LSPI’s Omega Plasmid EZ-SpinKit and EZ-96 plate Kit isolation components are guaranteed for at least 12 months from the date of purchase, when stored as recommended in supplied instruction manuals.
Three Column Designs for Mini EZ-SpinKits
Q-Spin Columns, our original spin column designed for centrifugation protocols, feature a large capacity reservoir above the HighBind DNA resin and a flat bottom. This allows for a larger volume of sample to be processed in the column at one time with better flow-through during centrifugation. Expect higher yields with Q-spins.
S-Spin Columns are designed like Q-Spins, includes an attached cap.