AeraSeal™ Breathable Sealing Film for Cell/Tissue Culture and Bacterial Growth
Designed to maintain an efficient aerobic environment, AeraSeal™ is a hydrophobic (breathable) 114um porous sealing film with medical grade adhesive. Designed to be used with cell/tissue culture or bacti plates (also with deepwell plates), this film allows for air/gas (CO²) exchange for enhanced cell growth or bacterial growth for all wells, while minimizing evaporation, cross-contamination, and spillage. In contrast, plate lids typically allow gas exchange only in the plate edges or in the corners of the plate.
Piercable with pipet tips or serological pipets for sample recovery.
RNase/DNase/Pyrogen (Cytotoxic) Free. Rolls are sterile.
High gas permeable (114um porous film).
Temperature range: -20ºC to +80ºC.
Fits all plates.
Dimensions: 82.6 x 142.9 for standard plates.
Non-perforated end-tabs are easily removable.