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MµLtiFit™ µLowBind BesTips - LongReach

  • Certified to be Sterile - RNase/DNase/Pyrogen (endotoxin)/DNA/PCR Inhibitor Free
  • Precision 'Diamond-molded' with the lowest binding (low adhesion) plastic resin for accurate, reproducible, and maximum delivery and recovery of samples
  • Features Flare-like SecuRings™ to assure complete pipettor attachment

                            MµLtiFit™ µLowBind BesTips

                  Almost - 100% Hydrophobic Treated Resin


Pipetman* P-2,
P-10, Rainin* EDP2
Oxford Benchmate*


                  RNase - DNase - Pyrogen Free - DNA Free, PCR Inhibitor Free


  • Specially treated polyresin to assure µltra low binding, ultra low adhesion, ultra low retention, and ultra low hold-up of liquid
  • This Very Slick Hydrophobic technology allows tips to deliver close to 100% of liquid every time (about 99.9%)
  • Best recovery, accuracy, reproducibility, and precision over any other tip in today's market
  • Ideal when accuracy and reproducibility in delivery and recovery is absolutely essential
  • Will not leach into samples like competitive siliconized versions
Slickest Technology!
at µLow


Pipet every last drop.
Every time.

* is a trademark

OmniGOLD µLowBind BesTips are the lowest binding, slickest pipet tips on the market today. These precision pipet tips are 'diamond' molded withspecially treated, inert, hydrophobic polyresin to assure the best delivery, recovery, accuracy, reproducibility, and precision when compared to every other manufactured pipet tips. Thses treated tips will not leach when autoclaved, like competitive siliconized tips. Comparsions from an independent testing laboratory indicate that our µLowBind BesTips outperform every other low binding tip. Test results (available, inquire) show thatµLowBind BesTips are 3 times better than CLP’s S3* low retention tips, 4 times better than MBP*ART* low retention tips, 4 times better than Fisher*, VWR* and Axygen* low retention tips, and 6 to 9 times better than standard non-treated tips from VWR*, Fisher and other brands. µLowBind BesTip technology is essential when Complete Delivery of samples or reagent is required, or when Complete Recovery is necessary,as in PCR and other quantitative disciplines.

Compare µLowBinds with our competition: Compare with 6X Loading Buffer or stain/dye for visual adsorption and weight differences.

  • Also check out our Easy to use QuickRack Reload systems, designed to universally reload OmniGOLD
       BesTips into our Cell Rack and Transcend Rack, or just about any rack, including racks from Fisher®,
       VWR®, BioExpress®, LightLabs, Midsci, Denville, and others.
  • Faster and Easier to use
  • Reduce waste by 90%
  • Each Plate has 8 pre-drilled lock-in holes and notches to "Universally" accommodate competitive lock-in
       (lock-down) stability systems
  • Easy to use 'transfer puck' makes tip loading easy (simply hold the plate of tips in one hand, push the 
       puck down lightly to lock plate... it's that simple)

Sterile, Lift-off Lid Rack - with 10µl µLowBind™ BesTips, LongReach

MµLtiFit™ BesTips
Sterile, CellRack™ with Lift-off Lid
Preloaded with 10µl µLowBind (Lowest-Bind)
LongReach (X-Length) BesTips
Sterile packed, Natural Colar
Graduated at 2µl, 5µl, 10µl with Tapered Orifice
10 racks of 96 tips/pack (960/pack)
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