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 Detection for DNA or Protein

  • Detects Sub-Nanogram Levels of DNA or 5ng of Protein
  • Fix, Wash, and Stain in One Hour
  •  Easy System with Fewer Reagents and One Stain

    The Sterling Silver Staining System offers high sensitivity silver staining faster and more conveniently than any other kit. The unique chemistry of Sterling allows staining to be carried out in a single solution. Simply fix a polyacrylamide gel using our unique fixative, wash, and place the gel in the staining solution. Bands will appear in 5-10 minutes. The Sterling Silver Staining System is supplied as a kit containing sufficient material to stain 18 mini-gels.

    1. FIX gel for at least 25 minutes in 100ml of the standard mixture of 5:5:1 Methanol:Water:Acetic Acid. Decant fixative, then add reconstituted STERLING Fixative (45ml water, 50ml methanol, 5ml STERLING Fixative Concentrate) and fix for an additional 5 minutes
    2. WASH gel twice for 15 minutes in deionized water. Addition of 0.1% non-ionic surfactant will aid in submerging the gel.

    • While gel is washing, prepare Staining Solution as directed. Do not combine the two component solutions until just prior to use.

    3. STAIN: Decant wash solution and immerse gel in combined staining solution Bands will begin to appear in 5-10 minutes. When desired intensity is achieved, stop development by immersing the gel in a 5% acetic acid solution.

    Preparation of Staining Solution:
    1. Dilute 25ml Reagent A with 25ml of water.
    2. Dissolve 2.8 grams of Reagent B in 50ml of water. Stir until completely dissolved (approx. 5-10 minutes).
    3. Immediately before use, pour (1) into (2) with stirring, and pour over gel. The combined solution has a useful life of ~20 minutes.

    Sterling Rapid Silver Stain

    Sterling Rapid Silver Stain
    Fast and sensitive silver stain, producing superb results in 1 hour.
    1 KIT
    SKU: EC-720
    PRICE BREAKS - The more you buy, the more you save