AquaPor LE GTAC High quality, general purpose agarose. Low boil-over. Low EEO.
AquaPor LM GTAC Premium low melting agarose. Exceptional strength. Certified for in-gel ligation and PCR.
AquaPor 3:1 GTAC Ideal for small fragment DNA and RNA, RT-PCR. Low viscosity enables pouring high percentage gels easily.
AquaPor HR GTAC Our highest resolving agarose; resolves down to 2% size difference. High Strength High Resolution Agarose. Excellent for small DNA fragments, PCR products, and proteins .
AquaPor ES GTAC Premium, ultra high strength, ultra low EEO agarose. Ideal for PFGE.
AquaPor GTAC Agarose from National Diagnostics. Molecular Biology Grade with High Clarity resolution. Certified DNase, RNase, and Protease Free. 0.20µm filtered. Sulfate (1%) <0.20.